Monday, November 14, 2011

It's Great to be EIGHT!

Look what a sweet kid he is! His little smile is so tender! This is an example of a Birthday Package. It is just one person and capturing just them for any special occasion. You are a handsome kid Mr. B! Thanks for your example!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Family with adorable kids:) The "M" Family

These adorable little kids are so cute! Fun little personalities and ohhh so sweet! The weather was pretty chilly and they were troopers! Thanks for letting me join in the fun!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Congratulations! We have a winner!

Congratulations to Tori Dowdle for winning the free Family Session! She entered by just clicking LIKE on my CAMERAHAPPY Facebook page!!/pages/Camerahappy/279333712098106  Check back often for simple give-a-ways! Enjoy your week!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Salt Lake County, Family Photographer - The "A" Family

I had the chance to do pictures of three great families this weekend. This is the "A" Family! They were so enjoyable and fun to be around. Their three little girls are adorable and so sweet! Their colors were great and we endured the chill in the air! Here are a few from thier session.You can check out more on FACEBOOK under CAMERAHAPPY! Enjoy the cool air and the Month of THANKS!